Art Workshops
Final Cut: Logging and Philippine Forestry is the first of Project Bakawan’s Pathfinders Series. It was held on July 25, at the UP College of Fine Arts. From the Center for Environmental Concerns, Marah Sayaman presented Cleng Yu Julve’s research on the state of Philippine Forestry. Lisa Ito-Tapang presented works by Filipino artists who have elaborated on foliage. For the laboratory component, participants experienced the importance of wood as they joined the Paete Artist Guild (represented by Glenn Cagandahan, Joselito Iglesia, Benjamin Dailo and Nestor Cagayat) in wood sculpting.
Everything Under the Sun, held in October 4, 2014 at the UP College of Science Auditorium, was the second of the Pathfinders Workshop Series. The lecture components of the workshop featured Sociologist Herbert Docena’s talk on “Socio-Economic Roots of our Global Crisis” and “Climate Change: Solutions and Renewable Energy” from CEC-Philippines’ Marah Sayaman. Visual artist and electronic hobbyist Ian Jaucian facilitated the laboratory component which focused on Open Source Technology. Participants built and designed their own energy-generating windsocks.
This workshop focus on mining’s impact on the natural environment. The discussion introduced the participants to a short history of mining in the country; a primer on the different mining entities in the country; and the legal dimensions that characterize its nature. The concept of sustainability were discussed alongside transparency initiatives in the industry.
The discussion talked about the different methods of mining; the difference between small-scale mining and corporate mining. How did the 1987 constitution address mining and national patrimony/sovereignty in relation to foreign mining companies?
The discussion addressed different issues related to mining. In its ten years of existence, how has the 1995 Mining Act benefited the country? Can the Philippines move toward industrialization without the rapid depletion of our natural resources?
Case studies of benefits of mining as a nationalized industry compared to privatized corporate mining were presented along with case studies of different mining activities that contribute wastes and pollution to the environment.
Renan Ortiz of the Concerned Artists of the Philippines demonstrated how to annotate the mining bill using the application Realtime board which allows multiple users to work on an idea board in real time. The other invited speakers were Dulphing Ogan, Secretary General of Kalumaran (Kusog sa Katawhang Lumad sa Mindanao). He is also the co-convener of KAMP (Kalipunan ng mga Katutubong Mamamayan ng Pilipinas) and Gina Tumlos.
The following workshops were part of the exhibit Ethos, Bathos, Pathos:
Sulatkamay, Writing workshop with Info Shop Marinduque x Marindukanon Studies Center
Marindukanon Studies Centre x Info Shop Marinduque collaborates with Sulat Kamay Collective in writing as a tool for ecology, economics and introducing autonomous publishing. The idea is to produce germinal ideas about relations of economics and the environment.
Likas-kaya, On sustainability practices with mag-isa, SKAN and Marindukanon Studies Center
Workshop on sustainability practices with Mag-isa collective and SKAN. Mag-isa collective is made up of an individual who proposes to unpack his squat hotel (collapsible temporary shelter) along his various indigenous instruments, readings, maps and many more. SKAN (Sentro Nin Kultura Asin Arte sa Naga) is an initiative based in Naga province.
WORKSHOP/ACTIVITY: Kaibuturan, Drum circle with Info Shop Marinduque x Marindukanon Studies Center x Bata
Marindukanon Studies Center hosts a series of skills sharing and talks about survival, sustainability, ecology and resistance. This time ISM x MSC invited various groups from Kontemporaryong Gamelang Pilipino, Filipino Cultural Creatives, PeaceChurch Philippines and Kaibuturan to conduct drum circle. The drum circle would involve creative exercises using beats to create good vibes and renewed energy. The creative skills sharing would also feature story telling of travels and sojourns of participants from various walks of life and experiences regarding indigenous peoples and rural folks.
WORKSHOP/ACTIVITY: Kamote Revolution by Mag-Isa Collective with Info Shop Marinduque x Marindukanon Studies Center
Marindukanon Studies Center hosts a series of skills sharing and talks about survival, sustainability, ecology and resistance. This time ISM x MSC invited Mag-Isa Collective to share their vision of revolution. Everyone is encouraged to bring sweet potatoes, raw or cooked to be shared with other participants. Mag-Isa Collective is an autonomous formation geared towards learning from indigenous peoples and urban living practices.
Trade and Upcycling workshop with overXout
Venue: Porch, UP Vargas Museum
overXout collaborates with artists Miguel Puyat, Indy Paredes and Roman James Soleño in transforming household objects considered trash and re-purposing it for utility. Participants must bring basic materials like old items from their own collections, functional materials and works that may be considered utilitarian, ready for trading (displayable artworks may be included with the sole value of trading purposes). The workshop promotes money-less trade (barter) to keep the cycle of re-purpose, re-use and exchange going.
overXout is a project of artist England Hidalgo. It is a sculpture and concept for a collapsible infoshop, library and community center with the goal of researching the direct relationship of contemporary art to cultural transformation. It is an ongoing project on design, economic sustainability of programmes, workshops for rehabilitation, ecological transformation, mobility infrastructures and the contribution of artists working on the contemporary realm in directly taking part to foster cultural transformation for the self and for the community within the Asian/Southeast Asian context.
Open Space Workshop on Peace and Reconciliation with Marindukanon Studies Center x Info Shop Marinduque
Marindukanon Studies Center hosts a series of skills sharing and talks about survival, sustainability, ecology and resistance. ISM x MSC invited friends from Faith-based organizations in reference to the 1996 collapse of the Marcopper Mining Corporation tailings pond which left the Boac River dead. ISM x MSC believes in the potentiality of renewing belief system in a post disaster context. The Social Action Commission and the Diocese of Marinduque brought together the Marindukanon grievances and direct action which resulted to the 50 year moratorium of any scale of mining in the province.
WORKSHOP & DISCUSSION: DIY Survival Radio Workshop and Disaster Aid talk with CIV:Lab,
Facilitated by Jong Pairez of CIV:Lab
Join the talk on the relevance of Pirate Radio in building autonomous communities and aiding disaster relief. Following the talk, learn the basics on how to setup your own online radio and how to make basic radio programming.
CIV:Lab is an art-space lab founded by artist Jong Pairez dedicated to research and design on sustainable and alternative living. The lab also acts as a site to critically engage civilization and find ways to survive through shared experiences of man-made and eco disasters. Simultaneously, the lab will serve as an incubator for art installations and direct actions.
T-shirt printing Workshop with Etnikobandido
Learn the techniques of easy DIY T-shirt printing for your original designs using lo-fi and handmade techniques with Etnikobandido. Bring your own shirt if you want to take part in printing!
Etnikobandido Infoshop and Activity center is an autonomous space created to spread radical consciousness. A place in which alternative resources and information can be found easily and freely. It is also a space to share and discuss different issues and ideas. Further, Etniko Bandido Infoshop is a place for critical and technical thinking against systematic cultured mind-setting. It is a space free for those who wants to hold diverse activities such as workshops, cooking activities, seminars, film screenings, study circles, book clubs, theory discussions, gatherings etc.
Alternative Energy/ Solar Power Workshop with Onsite Infoshop
Bas Umali of Onsite Infoshop talks about the ecological crisis and discusses the potentials of alternative energy including a solar power generator system that can provide carbon free electricity. Advocating direct action which begins from our own homes and communities and provides a basis of ecological resistance learned from our ancestors.
Piratebox Workshop (Offline internet file sharing) w/ CIV:Lab
Learn how to build a PirateBox, an offline internet file sharing station connected to DIY Internet and the culture of sharing. This workshop is facilitated by RK Aranas and JM Bitanga, both are advocates of Free and Open-source Software.
WORKSHOP & DISCUSSION: Kitchen Survival 101 and talk on Food Politics with Chef Van and Etnikobandido
Etnikobandido invites Café Caprice’s head chef, Chef Van to provide a free workshop on DIY commercial kitchen operations. A talk on food politics follows.
WORKSHOP: Kontra gapi, Kaibuturan and PeaceChurch Philippines music workshop with Info Shop Marinduque x Marindukanon Studies Center
Marindukanon Studies Centre Info Shop Marinduque and Kontemporaryong Gamelang Pilipino establishes sound and vernacular expression. The skills sharing aims to introduce music and identity formation. MSC x ISM and Kontra-GaPi hopes to create sounds about resistance.
Network of Autonomous activists local and international with Etnikobandido, Onsite Infoshop, Flower Grave Collective. Autonomous Space and Infoshop Conference facilitated with Etnikobandido and Onsite Infoshop Etnikobandido and Onsite Info Shop facilitates a discussion on creative resistance featuring local and international autonomous spaces.
DISCUSSION: ARA, Autonomous Rhizomes Asia, Aklasan and Marindukanon Studies and Research Center share and discuss projects and common dialogue between Manila and Indonesia.
Discussion with ARA (Autonomous Rhizomes Asia) and Marindukanon Studies Center. Autonomous Rhizomes Asia is an Indonesian Engagemedia transmission open source skills sharing and conference. Since 2008, the initiative formed a network of autonomous individuals who met provided a platform for exchange and discussion through a mailing list, still a multi-platform and planned journal. The discussion aims for common dialogue and a formation of sustained expression.
DISCUSSION: DANUM x SIKAP, On contemporary issues of ecology and economics, with DANUM and the Philippine Language, Culture and Media, facilitated by Marindukanon Studies Center
Discussion with DANUM (Dalubhasan ng mga Umuusbong na mga mag-aaral sa Araling Filipino) and the Graduate students of Philippine Language, Culture and Media. The discussion revolves on contemporary issues of ecology and economics and proposes to come-up with a sustained program, projects and activities hereafter through peer to peer exchange and peripheral centres info-tour.
DISCUSSION: Oikos, On ecology and economy with Andres Bukid and Spaces in Transition Co-facilitated by Marindukanon Studies Center
Discussion on encounter with of the roots of ecology and economy with Andres Bukid and Spaces in Transition. Andres Bukid is involved with the research project regarding the fringes of peri-urban Metro Manila.
DISCUSSION: Pag-iral, Cordillera-Mindanao Studies talk on survival with Marindukanon Studies Center
Roundtable discussion on survival on the discussion points of 1) Samahang Saliksik sa Pasig urban studies and research 2) Action Research Group, Baguio 3) DULA TA (Laro Tayo), Mindanao (Peace and conflict situation) 4) UP Manila Anthropology class (Aeta’s of Mt. Pinatubo).
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